I made these jigsaw puzzles with simple tools. 1st i created a template in powerpoint. The puzzles are small 5.5 x 8.25. Supplies needed:
1. Blank Puzzle Piece. I purchased 12 for very cheap here
Rectangle Blank Puzzle (12-pack) Instructional Fair http://smile.amazon.com/dp/0742403920/ref=cm_sw_r_pi_dp_BZ6Ntb0AGFFZXC2P
2. The Template located HERE
3. Iron on transfer - I paid $4.00 with my 40% off coupon from Hobby Lobby - you could also go to Joann or Michaels
4. An Iron with a high cotton setting. Do not set it to the max as it will burn the transfer. My iron went from 1 - 6, and i used an old cheap iron, i set it on 5 and ironed on the transfer in a hard circular motion for about 45 - 60 seconds
5. a hard surface and something to protect our surface.
6. One Spay Can of Mod Podge Super Hi-Shine Clear Acrylic Sealer - Spray 3 coats let the spray dry in-between coats
And Viola that's it. It's pretty easy and a fun project. Turn on some kingdom melodies and have the girls over or kids and have a good time!