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Friday, December 21, 2012

Butterick Jacket B5147 - Finished

Finished Butterick B5147- The Jacket

I have finished my  Jacket for Butterick B5147.  This jacket has turned out beautiful.  To finish for good i need  a good pressing and to cut some threads and adjust the hand stitching on the lining hem.  The Jacket of this pattern is easy, simply and leaves room for imagination.  I used a Cotton Jacquard from Joann Fabrics.  The fabric is machine washable and is super soft! It puckers up when washed.  I have washed and let it line dry.  In addition the fabric in the store appeared white with silver designs but as you can see in the photo it should be considered more silver with white designs.  With the right shoes, dress/skirt and jewelry this will be a sharp jacket.

For this Jacket i made a few alterations.  First i started out NOT using any tailoring methods and 3/4 thru the project i realized that the interfacing and some other small items were needed.  So i added Hair Canvas interfacing to the hems and the button areas . I also added Shoulder Pads, A Back Stay and two darts to the back shoulder.  I also Understitched the lining and blind hem stitched the Hem of the Jacket & Sleeves.  As you can tell in the photo I had a fight with button hole#2.  My Buttonholer when on strike 1/2 way thru Button Hole #2 after a yelling match and some bribes the buttonholer behaved on buttonhole #3.  I promised i removed all of those stitches on #2 3 times and then finally gave up on fixing it.  I am very disturbed with button hole #2.  Anyway.....I chose ecru buttons for my jacket and to be honest they disappear on the cloth.  I will need to wait until i determine the matching dress/skirt before deciding on changing the buttons.

Again this jacket pattern is very easy and i would say you get a lot of Bang for your Buck if you use a Brocade, Jacquard or other elaborate print.  Because of the simplicity the fabric is your design piece.  My alterations were simple i basically did a FBA and lowered the hem by 3". So what do you think.  I am rather proud of my elaborate jacket and can't wait to made the dress/skirt to go with it.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Oh this is really great!
I am also a great fan of this pattern -it's really versatile, quick and easy to do!!