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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Burdastyle Plus 2008 403C - Part 3 The yoke

So the yoke was the second piece that i had some.....confusion on.  For example here are the burdastyle Magazine instructions:

Yoke - Baste outer yoke piece to upper edge of back, right sides facing.  Stitch inner yoke piece to upper edge of back , with right side of yoke on wrong side of back piece.  Turn yoke pieces up and press. Stitch outter yoke piece to upper edges of blouse fronts.  Press allowances toward yoke.  Fold under edges of inner yoke and dew to front attachment seams.  Baste yoke layers together along neck and armhole edges.  Topstitch yoke 7 mm (14") from attachment seams.

Yeah there is a lot going on here.  But i actually understood them.  But i was totally confused by why i would press under the outer yoke just to baste it in...Seemed silly.  So i again went on the hunt for better instructions.  I looked thru my books and really didn't find anything that i could follow so i searched the internet again, yotube to be exact and found the following video.  I followed these instructions instead for my yoke and it turned out great.

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